Pressures and stress of being an unemployed or underemployed graduate

 I am effectively an unemployed Bsc Mathematics and Physics graduate, the opportunity I thought would help doesn't even have a fixed stipend from the get go and you are required to finish a "course" first before enrolling on the actual internship and it happens to be remote and given the fact that my laptop is broken and network problems, I am not even sure if it's possible to genuinely salvage this opportunity as it were...

I have been looking for actual employment, actual internships which allow one to gain valuable experience in data analysis, software development, business analysis, risk analysis etc.  The stress of not getting any actual job opportunities and getting some interviews but no job offer takes a toll on one's mental health. 

Another thing that often puts me at a disadvantage is inconsistent performance academically at university, I have a few As here and there but there are also modules I have failed and to some employers, failing a module automatically means that you're not disciplined enough or lack the requisite intellectual capacity for problem solving BUT I really don't  believe that my grades are a true reflection of my intellectual capabilities, I do take responsibility for bad grades, I was going through many personal problems while trying to finish my degree and I have addressed those problems that had a negative impact on my grades but sadly my academic record is forever harmed and any graduate programme or internship that primarily focuses on grades will never give me any sort of chance so basically I am in trouble...

I have been fascinated with risk management and analysis lately and will be doing a postgraduate diploma in risk management next year, hopefully I'll get decent grades and try to somehow prove that academically I'm very much capable and that could perhaps tip the odds in my favour in the job market, we'll see...

It's stressful though not being meaningfully employed, I do hope that my luck will change for the better soon and I will keep applying, keep pushing myself as hard as I can...

I really thought that even with grades far from perfect, the mere fact that I actually completed a Bsc degree in Mathematics and Physics would mean something, that it would attest to my resilience of spirit, especially given the fact that I wrote my last exam 2 weeks after my beloved sister's funeral and I actually arranged the funeral so it was very difficult but somehow I managed to pass Numerical Methods II while grieving yet I don't have much to show for passing under such difficult circumstances.

I know that unemployment is a huge problem country wide, it is a systemic problem but I was really hoping that a maths degree would mean something in this economy, a maths and Physics degree means that I'm capable of solving complex problems, that should count for something I think.


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